Eureka! is a proprietary eReader developed by ArchiMedia Advantage Inc. The eReader is designed exclusively for reading and annotating digital rights managed (DRM) documents distributed through online learning platforms.
To ensure the application enhances students use of licensed materials, Eureka! is optimized to display statistical and mathematical content. For use online or offline (limited terms), Eureka! simulates traditional study techniques like highlighting, underlining, margin notes (comments) and provides the option for students to enter their own notes (by page). These tools are automatically captured in an annotation index for easy reference and sync across compatible devices! Document printing, if authorized, is available exclusively through use of a Eureka! desktop offline player; printing from web browsers or mobile devices is not permitted.
With quick load times, responsive page navigation, and viewing options such as zoom, single page, and side by side, Eureka! is ideal for intensive study and has become students’ preferred tool for consuming digitally published content at home and on-the-go.
View digitally rights managed materials.
Ability to download protected materials locally.
Ability to view & annotate materials while offline.
Annotate with personalized notes
Sticky Notes
Ink / Free Drawing
Annotation syncing across multiple devices
Hyperlink support
Form Data support
Viewing Option Support
Single Page View
Double Page View
Page by Page View
Continuous Scrolling
View Document Outline
Ability to add personalized page notes.
Ability to print given necessary privileges.
Ability to perform keyword searches on protected materials.
The Eureka! Reader WebViewer and mobile applications are compatible with the following systems:
Web Browser eReader:
Chrome (all versions)
Firefox (all versions)
Safari (all versions)
Edge (all versions)
Internet Explorer* (version 10 and up)
Android Chrome (version 59 and up)
Mobile Safari (version 11 and up)
Windows Desktop Application: Support for windows 10 and newer
Mac Desktop Application: Requires MacOS Big Sur 11.3 and newer
Android Mobile Application: Requires Android 6.0
iOS mobile application
iPhone: Requires iOS 8.0 or later
iPad: Requires iPad OS 8.0 or later
iPod: Requires iOS 8.0 or later